Virtual Tasting | Sampler Party!

Virtual Tasting | Sampler Party! #1

Order your Sampler Party Pack and join Lakeview Wine Co. for a virtual tasting showcasing our unique wine brands. The pack features delicious VQA table wines each from one of our brands including reds, whites and roses. Explore the history behind each brand and take part in the tasting along the way!

What: Virtual Tasting | Sampler Party! 

Where: Join us virtually from the comfort of home on our lakeviewwineco Instagram page! 

When: Tuesday, March 15th | 6pm

Cost: Free virtual webinar, guests are encouraged to purchase the Sampler Pack to follow along and join in on the tasting experience.

Sampler Party Pack includes:

·        1 bottle of FRESH Adventures Crisp White
·        1 bottle of Serenity Pinot Noir Rosé
·        1 bottle of Dan Aykroyd Cabernet Sauvignon
·        1 bottle of Lakeview Cellars Viognier 
·        1 bottle of EastDell Black Cab
·        1 bottle of 20 Bees Sauvignon Blanc
·        Re-usable 6 bottle wine tote
·        Free Shipping in Canada

Only $65.00 (retail value $96.20)

Order By: March 1st for shipping.

Click here or to book your reservation for this tasting experience!

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